Rabu, 09 Oktober 2019
Bab 2 (1) Grammatical Aspects of Language
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Morphology: The Words of Language
Every speaker of every language knows tens of thousands of words. Unabridged dictionaries of English contain nearly 500,000 entries, but most speakers don’t know all of these words. It has been estimated that a child of six knows as many as 13,000 words and the average high school graduate about 60,000. A college graduate presumably knows many more than that, but whatever our level of education, we learn new words throughout our lives, such as the many words in this book that you will learn for the first time.
Words are an important part of linguistic knowledge and constitute a component of our mental grammars, but one can learn thousands of words in a language and still not know the language. Anyone who has tried to communicate in a foreign country by merely using a dictionary knows this is true. On the other hand, without words we would be unable to convey our thoughts through language or understand the thoughts of others.
Someone who doesn’t know English would not know where one word begins or ends in an utterance like Thecatsatonthemat. We separate written words by spaces, but in the spoken language there are no pauses between most words.
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Without knowledge of the language, one can’t tell how many words are in an utterance. Knowing a word means knowing that a particular sequence of sounds is associated with a particular meaning. A speaker of English has no difficulty in segmenting the stream of sounds into six individual words—the, cat, sat, on, the, and mat—because each of these words is listed in his or her mental dictionary, or lexicon (the Greek word for dictionary), that is part of a speaker’s linguistic knowledge. Similarly, a speaker knows that uncharacteristically, which
has more letters than Thecatsatonthemat, is nevertheless a single word.
The lack of pauses between words in speech has provided humorists with much material. The comical hosts of the show Car Talk, aired on National Public Radio, close the show by reading a list of credits that includes the following cast of characters:
Copyeditor: Adeline Moore (add a line more)
Accounts payable: Ineeda Czech (I need a check)
Pollution control: Maury Missions (more emissions)
Purchasing: Lois Bidder (lowest bidder)
Statistician: Marge Innovera (margin of error)
Russian chauffeur: Picov Andropov (pick up and drop off)
Legal firm: Dewey, Cheetham, and Howe1 (Do we cheat ’em? And
In all these instances, you would have to have knowledge of English words to make sense of and find humor in such plays on words.
The fact that the same sound sequences (Lois Bidder—lowest bidder) can be interpreted differently shows that the relation between sound and meaning is an arbitrary pairing, as discussed in chapter 6. For example, Un petit d’un petit in French means “a little one of a little one,” but in English the sounds resemble the name Humpty Dumpty.
When you know a word, you know its sound (pronunciation) and its meaning. Because the sound-meaning relation is arbitrary, it is possible to have words with the same sound and different meanings (bear and bare) and words with the same meaning and different sounds (sofa and couch).
Because each word is a sound-meaning unit, each word stored in our mental lexicon must be listed with its unique phonological representation, which determines its pronunciation, and with a meaning. For literate speakers, the spelling, or orthography, of most of the words we know is included.
Each word in your mental lexicon includes other information as well, such as whether it is a noun, a pronoun, a verb, an adjective, an adverb, a preposition, or a conjunction. That is, the mental lexicon also specifies the grammatical category or syntactic class of the word. You may not consciously know that a form like love is listed as both a verb and a noun, but as a speaker you have such knowledge, as shown by the phrases I love you and You are the love of my life.
If such information were not in the mental lexicon, we would not know how to form grammatical sentences, nor would we be able to distinguish grammatical from ungrammatical sentences.
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Dictionary, n. A malevolent literary device for cramping the growth of a language and making it hard and inelastic. AMBROSE BIERCE, The Devil’s Dictionary, 1911
The dictionaries that one buys in a bookstore contain some of the information found in our mental dictionaries. However, the aim of most early lexicographers, or dictionary makers, was to prescribe rather than describe the words of a language. They strove to be, as stated in Webster’s dictionaries, the “supreme authority” of the “correct” pronunciation and meaning of a word. To Samuel Johnson, whose seminal Dictionary of the English Language was published in 1755, the aim of a dictionary was to “register” (describe) the language, not to “construct” (prescribe) it.
All dictionaries, from the gargantuan twenty-volume Oxford English Dictionary (OED) to the more commonly used “collegiate” dictionaries, provide the following information about each word: (1) spelling, (2) the “standard” pronunciation, (3) definitions to represent the word’s one or more meanings, and (4) parts of speech (e.g., noun, verb, preposition). Other information may include the etymology or history of the word, whether the word is nonstandard (such as ain’t) or slang, vulgar, or obsolete. Many dictionaries provide quotations from published literature to illustrate the given definitions, as was first done by Dr. Johnson.
Owing to the increasing specialization in science and the arts, specialty and subspecialty dictionaries are proliferating. Dictionaries of slang and jargon (see chapter 9) have existed for many years; so have multilingual dictionaries. In addition to these, the shelves of bookstores and libraries are now filled with dictionaries written specifically for biologists, engineers, agriculturists, economists, artists, architects, printers, gays and lesbians, transsexuals, runners, tennis players, and almost any group that has its own set of words to describe what they think and what they do. Our own mental dictionaries include only a small set of the entries in all of these dictionaries, but each word is in someone’s lexicon.
Content Words and Function Words
“. . . and even . . . the patriotic archbishop of Canterbury found it advisable—”“Found what?” said the Duck.“Found it,” the Mouse replied rather crossly; “of course you know what ‘it’ means.”“I know what ‘it’ means well enough, when I find a thing,” said the Duck; “it’s generally a frog or a worm. The question is, what did the archbishop find?”LEWIS CARROLL, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, 1865
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Languages make an important distinction between two kinds of words—content words and function words. Nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs are the content words.
These words denote concepts such as objects, actions, attributes, and ideas that we can think about like children, anarchism, soar, and purple. Content words are sometimes called the open class words because we can and regularly do add new words to these classes, such as Bollywood, blog, dis, and 24/7, pronounced “twenty-four seven.”
Other classes of words do not have clear lexical meanings or obvious concepts associated with them, including conjunctions such as and, or, and but; prepositions such as in and of; the articles the and a/an, and pronouns such as it. These kinds of words are called function words because they specify grammatical relations and have little or no semantic content. For example, the articles indicate whether a noun is definite or indefinite—the boy or a boy. The preposition of indicates possession, as in “the book of yours,” but this word indicates many other kinds of relations too. The it in it’s raining and the archbishop found it advisable are further examples of words whose function is purely grammatical— they are required by the rules of syntax, and as the cartoon suggests, we can hardly do without them.
Function words are sometimes called closed class words. It is difficult to think of any conjunctions, prepositions, or pronouns that have recently entered the language. The small set of personal pronouns such as I, me, mine, he, she, and so on are part of this class. With the growth of the feminist movement, some proposals have been made for adding a genderless singular pronoun. If such a pronoun existed, it might have prevented the department head in a large university from making the incongruous statement: “We will hire the best person for the job regardless of his sex.” Various proposals such as “e” have been put forward, but none are likely to gain acceptance because the closed classes are unreceptive to new membership. Rather, speakers prefer to recruit existing pronouns such as they and their for this job, as in “We will hire the best person for the job regardless of their sex.”
The difference between content and function words is illustrated by the following
test that has circulated over the Internet:
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Count the number of F’s in the following text without reading further:
Most people come up with three, which is wrong. If you came up with fewer than six, count again, and this time, pay attention to the function word of.
This little test illustrates that the brain treats content and function words (like of ) differently. A great deal of psychological and neurological evidence supports this claim. As discussed in the introduction, some brain-damaged patients and people with specific language impairments have greater difficulty in using, understanding, or reading function words than they do with content words. Some aphasics are unable to read function words like in or which, but can read the lexical content words inn and witch.
The two classes of words also seem to function differently in slips of the tongue produced by normal individuals. For example, a speaker may inadvertently switch words producing “the journal of the editor” instead of “the editor of the journal,” but the switching or exchanging of function words has not been observed. There is also evidence for this distinction from language acquisition (discussed in chapter 7). In the early stages of development, hildren often omit function words from their speech, as in for example, “doggie barking.”
The linguistic evidence suggests that content words and function words play different roles in language. Content words bear the brunt of the meaning, whereas function words connect the content words to the larger grammatical context.
Morphemes: The Minimal Units of Meaning
“They gave it me,” Humpty Dumpty continued, “for an un-birthday present.”“I beg your pardon?” Alice said with a puzzled air.“I’m not offended,” said Humpty Dumpty.“I mean, what is an un-birthday present?”“A present given when it isn’t your birthday, of course.”LEWIS CARROLL, Through the Looking-Glass, 1871
In the foregoing dialogue, Humpty Dumpty is well aware that the prefix unmeans “not,” as further shown in the following pairs of words:
A Bdesirable undesirable
likely unlikely
inspired uninspired
happy unhappy
developed undeveloped
sophisticated unsophisticated
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Thousands of English adjectives begin with un-. If we assume that the most basic unit of meaning is the word, what do we say about parts of words like un-, which has a fixed meaning? In all the words in the B column, un- means the same thing—“not.” Undesirable means “not desirable,” unlikely means “not likely,” and so on. All the words in column B consist of at least two meaningful units: un + desirable, un + likely, un + inspired, and so on.
Just as un- occurs with the same meaning in the previous list of words, so does phon- in the following words. (You may not know the meaning of some of them, but you will when you finish this book.)
phone phonology phoneme
phonetic phonologist phonemic
phonetics phonological allophone
phonetician telephone euphonoius
phonic telephonic symphony
Phon- is a minimal form in that it can’t be decomposed. Ph doesn’t mean anything; pho, though it may be pronounced like foe, has no relation in meaning to it; and on is not the preposition spelled o-n. In all the words on the list, phon has the identical meaning of “pertaining to sound.”
Words have internal structure, which is rule-governed. Uneaten, unadmired, and ungrammatical are words in English, but *eatenun, *admiredun, and *grammaticalun (to mean “not eaten,” “not admired,” “not grammatical”) are not, because we form a negative meaning of a word not by suffixing un- but by prefixing it.
When Samuel Goldwyn, the pioneer moviemaker, announced, “In two words: im-possible,” he was reflecting the common view that words are the basic meaningful elements of a language. We have seen that this cannot be so, because some words contain several distinct units of meaning. The linguistic term for the most elemental unit of grammatical form is morpheme. The word is derived from the Greek word morphe, meaning “form.” If Goldwyn had taken a linguistics course, he would have said, more correctly, “In two morphemes: im possible.”
The study of the internal structure of words, and of the rules by which words are formed, is morphology. This word itself consists of two morphemes, morph + ology. The suffix -ology means “science of” or “branch of knowledge concerning.” Thus, the meaning of morphology is “the science of (word) forms.”
Morphology is part of our grammatical knowledge of a language. Like most linguistic knowledge, this is generally unconscious knowledge. A single word may be composed of one or more morphemes:
one morpheme boy
morph ("to change form")
two morphemes boy + ish
desire + able
morph + ology
three morphemes boy + ish + ness
desire + able + ity
four morphenes gentle + man + li +ness
un + desire + able + ity
more than four un + gentle + man + li + ness
anti + dis + establish + ment + ari + an + ism
A morpheme may be represented by a single sound, such as the morpheme a meaning “without” as in amoral and asexual, or by a single syllable, such as child and ish in child + ish. A morpheme may also consist of more than one syllable: by two syllables, as in camel, lady, and water; by three syllables, as in Hackensack and crocodile; or by four or more syllables, as in hallucinate, apothecary, and onomatopoeia.
A morpheme—the minimal linguistic unit—is thus an arbitrary union of a sound and a meaning (or grammatical function) that cannot be further analyzed. It is often called a linguistic sign, not to be confused with the sign of sign languages. This may be too simple a definition, but it will serve our purposes for now. Every word in every language is composed of one or more morphemes.
Internet bloggers love to point out “inconsistencies” in the English language. They observe that while singers sing and flingers fling, it is not the case that fingers “fing.” However, English speakers know that finger is a single morpheme, or a monomorphemic word. The final -er syllable in finger is not a separate morpheme because a finger is not “something that fings.”
The meaning of a morpheme must be constant. The agentive morpheme -er means “one who does” in words like singer, painter, lover, and worker, but the same sounds represent the comparative morpheme, meaning “more,” in nicer, prettier, and taller. Thus, two different morphemes may be pronounced identically. The identical form represents two morphemes because of the different meanings. The same sounds may occur in another word and not represent a separate morpheme at all, as in finger. Conversely, the two morphemes -er and -ster have the same meaning, but different forms. Both singer and songster mean “one who sings.” And like -er, -ster is not a morpheme in monster because a monster is not something that “mons” or someone that “is mon” the way youngster is someone who is young. All of this follows from the concept of the morpheme as a sound plus a meaning unit.
The decomposition of words into morphemes illustrates one of the fundamental properties of human language—discreteness. In all languages, sound units combine to form morphemes, morphemes combine to form words, and words combine to form larger units—phrases and sentences.
Discreteness is an important part of linguistic creativity. We can combine morphemes in novel ways to create new words whose meaning will be apparent to other speakers of the language. If you know that “to write” to a disk or a DVD means to put information on it, you automatically understand that a writable DVD is one that can take information; a rewritable DVD is one where the original information can be written over; and an unrewritable DVD is one that does not allow the user to write over the original information. You know the meanings of all these words by virtue of your knowledge of the discrete morphemes write, re-, -able, and un-, and the rules for their combination.
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Bound and Free Morphemes
Prefixes and Suffixes
Our morphological knowledge has two components: knowledge of the individual morphemes and knowledge of the rules that combine them. One of the things we know about particular morphemes is whether they can stand alone or whether they must be attached to a base morpheme.
Some morphemes like boy, desire, gentle, and man may constitute words by themselves. These are free morphemes. Other morphemes like -ish, -ness, -ly, pre-, trans-, and un- are never words by themselves but are always parts of words. These affixes are bound morphemes. We know whether each affix precedes or follows other morphemes. Thus, un-, pre- (premeditate, prejudge), and bi- (bipolar, bisexual) are prefixes. They occur before other morphemes. Some morphemes occur only as suffixes, following other morphemes. English examples of suffix morphemes are -ing (sleeping, eating, running, climbing), -er (singer, performer, reader), -ist (typist, pianist, novelist, linguist), and -ly (manly, sickly, friendly), to mention only a few.
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Many languages have prefixes and suffixes, but languages may differ in how they deploy these morphemes. A morpheme that is a prefix in one language may be a suffix in another and vice versa. In English the plural morphemes -s and -es are suffixes (boys, lasses). In Isthmus Zapotec, spoken in Mexico, the plural morpheme ka- is a prefix:
zigi "chin" kazigi "chins"
zike "shoulder" kazike "shoulders"
diaga "ear" kadiaga "ears"
Languages may also differ in what meanings they express through affixation. In English we do not add an affix to derive a noun from a verb. We have the verb dance as in “I like to dance,” and we have the noun dance as in “There’s a dance or two in the old dame yet.” The form is the same in both cases. In Turkish, you derive a noun from a verb with the suffix -ak, as in the following examples:
dur "to stop" durak "stopping place"
bat "to sink" batak "sinking place" or "marsh/swamp"
To express reciprocal action in English we use the phrase each other, as in understand each other, love each other. In Turkish a morpheme is added to the verb:
anla "understand" anlash "understand each other"
sev "love" sevish "love each other"
The reciprocal suffix in these examples is pronounced sh after a vowel and ish after a consonant. This is similar to the process in English, in which we use a as the indefinite article morpheme before a noun beginning with a consonant, as in a dog, and an before a noun beginning with a vowel, as in an apple. The same morpheme may have more than one slightly different form (see exercise 6, for example). We will discuss the various pronunciations of morphemes in more detail in chapter 5.
In Piro, an Arawakan language spoken in Peru, a single morpheme, -kaka, can be added to a verb to express the meaning “cause to”:
cokoruha "to harpoon" cokoruhakaka "cause to harpoon"
salwa "to visit" salwakaka "cause to visit"
In Karuk, a Native American language spoken in the Pacific Northwest, adding
-ak to a noun forms the locative adverbial meaning “in.”
ikrivaam "house" ikrivaamak "in a house"
It is accidental that both Turkish and Karuk have a suffix -ak. Despite the similarity in form, the two meanings are different. Similarly, the reciprocal suffix -ish in Turkish is similar in form to the English suffix -ish as in greenish.
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Similarity in meaning may give rise to different forms. In Karuk the suffix -ara has the same meaning as the English -y, that is, “characterized by” (hairy means “characterized by hair”).
aptiik "branch" aptikara "branchy"
These examples illustrate again the arbitrary nature of the linguistic sign, that is, of the sound-meaning relationship, as well as the distinction between bound and free morphemes.
Some languages also have infixes, morphemes that are inserted into other morphemes. Bontoc, spoken in the Philippines, is such a language, as illustrated by the following:
Nouns/Adjectives Verbs
fikas “strong” fumikas “to be strong”
kilad “red” kumilad “to be red”
fusul “enemy” fumusul “to be an enemy”
In this language, the infix -um- is inserted after the first consonant of the noun or adjective. Thus, a speaker of Bontoc who knows that pusi means “poor” would understand the meaning of pumusi, “to be poor,” on hearing the word for the first time, just as an English speaker who learns the verb sneet would know that sneeter is “one who sneets.” A Bontoc speaker who knows that ngumitad means “to be dark” would know that the adjective “dark” must be ngitad.
Oddly enough, the only infixes in English are full-word obscenities, usually inserted into adjectives or adverbs. The most common infix in America is the word fuckin’ and all the euphemisms for it, such as friggin, freakin, flippin, and fuggin, as in in-fuggin-credible, un-fuckin-believable, or Kalama-flippin-zoo, based on the city in Michigan. In Britain, a common infix is bloody, an obscene term in British English, and its euphemisms, such as bloomin’. In the movie and stage musical My Fair Lady, the word abso + bloomin + lutely occurs in one of the songs sung by Eliza Doolittle.
Some languages have circumfixes, morphemes that are attached to a base morpheme both initially and finally. These are sometimes called discontinuous morphemes. In Chickasaw, a Muskogean language spoken in Oklahoma, the negative is formed with both a prefix ik- and the suffix -o. The final vowel of the affirmative is dropped before the negative suffix is added. Examples of this circumfixing are:
Affirmative Negative
chokma “he is good” ik + chokm + o “he isn’t good”
lakna “it is yellow” ik + lakn + o “it isn’t yellow”
palli “it is hot” ik + pall + o “it isn’t hot”
tiwwi “he opens (it)” ik + tiww + o “he doesn’t open (it)”
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An example of a more familiar circumfixing language is German. The past participle of regular verbs is formed by adding the prefix ge- and the suffix -t to the verb root. This circumfix added to the verb root lieb “love” produces geliebt, “loved” (or “beloved,” when used as an adjective).
Roots and Stems
Morphologically complex words consist of a morpheme root and one or more affixes. Some examples of English roots are paint in painter, read in reread, ceive in conceive, and ling in linguist. A root may or may not stand alone as a word (paint and read do; ceive and ling don’t). In languages that have circumfixes, the root is the form around which the circumfix attaches, for example, the Chickasaw root chokm in ikchokmo (“he isn’t good”). In infixing languages the root is the form into which the infix is inserted; for example, fikas in the Bontoc word fumikas (“to be strong”).
Semitic languages like Hebrew and Arabic have a unique morphological system. Nouns and verbs are built on a foundation of three consonants, and one derives related words by varying the pattern of vowels and syllables. For example, the root for “write” in Egyptian Arabic is ktb, from which the following words (among others) are formed by infixing vowels:
katab “he wrote”
kaatib “writer”
kitáab “book”
kútub “books”
When a root morpheme is combined with an affix, it forms a stem. Other affixes can be added to a stem to form a more complex stem, as shown in the following:
With the addition of each new affix, a new stem and a new word are formed. Linguists sometimes use the word base to mean any root or stem to which an affix is attached. In the preceding example, system, systematic, unsystematic, and unsystematical are bases.
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Bound Roots
It had been a rough day, so when I walked into the party I was very chalant, despite my efforts to appear gruntled and consolate. I was furling my wieldy umbrella . . . when I saw her. . . . She was a descript person. . . . Her hair was kempt, her clothing shevelled, and she moved in a gainly way.
JACK WINTER, “How I Met My Wife,” New Yorker, July 25, 1994 “How I Met My Wife” by Jack Winter from The New Yorker, July 25, 1994. Reprinted by permission of the Estate of Jack Winter.
Bound roots do not occur in isolation and they acquire meaning only in combination with other morphemes. For example, words of Latin origin such as receive, conceive, perceive, and deceive share a common root, ceive; and the words remit, permit, commit, submit, transmit, and admit share the root mit. For the original Latin speakers, the morphemes corresponding to ceive and mit had clear meanings, but for modern English speakers, Latinate morphemes such as ceive and mit have no independent meaning. Their meaning depends on the entire word in which they occur.
A similar class of words is composed of a prefix affixed to a bound root morpheme. Examples are ungainly, but no *gainly; discern, but no *cern; nonplussed, but no *plussed; downhearted but no *hearted, and others to be seen in this section’s epigraph.
The morpheme huckle, when joined with berry, has the meaning of a berry that is small, round, and purplish blue; luke when combined with warm has the meaning “somewhat.” Both these morphemes and others like them (cran, boysen) are bound morphemes that convey meaning only in combination.
Rules of Word Formation
“I never heard of ‘Uglification,’” Alice ventured to say. “What is it?” The Gryphon lifted up both its paws in surprise. “Never heard of uglifying!” it exclaimed. “You know what to beautify is, I suppose?” “Yes,” said Alice doubtfully: “it means—to make—prettier.” “Well, then,” the Gryphon went on, “if you don’t know what to uglify is, you are a simpleton.” LEWIS CARROLL, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, 1865
When the Mock Turtle listed the branches of Arithmetic for Alice as “Ambition, Distraction, Uglification, and Derision,” Alice was very confused. She wasn’t really a simpleton, since uglification was not a common word in English until Lewis Carroll used it. Still, most English speakers would immediately know the meaning of uglification even if they had never heard or used the word before because they would know the meaning of its individual parts—the root ugly and the affixes -ify and -cation.
We said earlier that knowledge of morphology includes knowledge of individual morphemes, their pronunciation, and their meaning, and knowledge of the rules for combining morphemes into complex words. The Mock Turtle added -ify to the adjective ugly and formed a verb. Many verbs in English have been formed in this way: purify, amplify, simplify, falsify. The suffix -ify conjoined with nouns also forms verbs: objectify, glorify, personify. Notice that the Mock Turtle went even further; he added the suffix -cation to uglify and formed a noun, uglification, as in glorification, simplification, falsification, and purification. By using the morphological rules of English, he created a new word. The rules that he used are as follows:
Adjective + ify - Verb “to make Adjective”
Verb + cation - Noun “the process of making Adjective”
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Derivational Morphology
Bound morphemes like -ify and -cation are called derivational morphemes. When they are added to a base, a new word with a new meaning is derived. The addition of -ify to pure—purify—means “to make pure,” and the addition of -cation—purification—means “the process of making pure.” If we invent an adjective, pouzy, to describe the effect of static electricity on hair, you will immediately understand the sentences “Walking on that carpet really pouzified my hair” and “The best method of pouzification is to rub a balloon on your head.” This means that we must have a list of the derivational morphemes in our mental dictionaries as well as the rules that determine how they are added to a root or stem. The form that results from the addition of a derivational morpheme is called a derived word.
Derivational morphemes have clear semantic content. In this sense they are like content words, except that they are not words. As we have seen, when a derivational morpheme is added to a base, it adds meaning. The derived word may also be of a different grammatical class than the original word, as shown by suffixes such as -able and -ly. When a verb is suffixed with -able, the result is an adjective, as in desire + able. When the suffix -en is added to an adjective, a verb is derived, as in dark + en. One may form a noun from an adjective, as in sweet + ie. Other examples are:
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Some derivational suffixes do not cause a change in grammatical class. Prefixes never do.
When a new word enters the lexicon by the application of morphological rules, other complex derivations may be blocked. For example, when Commun + ist entered the language, words such as Commun + ite (as in Trotsky + ite) or Commun + ian (as in grammar + ian) were not needed; their formation was blocked. Sometimes, however, alternative forms do coexist: for example, Chomskyan and Chomskyist and perhaps even Chomskyite (all meaning “follower of Chomsky’s views of linguistics”). Semanticist and semantician are both used, but the possible word semantite is not.
Finally, derivational affixes appear to come in two classes. In one class, the addition of a suffix triggers subtle changes in pronunciation. For example, when we affix -ity to specific (pronounced “specifik” with a k sound), we get specificity (pronounced “specifisity” with an s sound). When deriving Elizabeth + an from Elizabeth, the fourth vowel sound changes from the vowel in Beth to the vowel in Pete. Other suffixes such as -y, -ive, and -ize may induce similar changes: sane/sanity, deduce/deductive, critic/criticize.
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On the other hand, suffixes such as -er, -ful, -ish, -less, -ly, and -ness may be tacked onto a base word without affecting the pronunciation, as in baker, wishful, boyish, needless, sanely, and fullness. Moreover, affixes from the first class cannot be attached to a base containing an affix from the second class: *need + less + ity, *moral + ize + ive; but affixes from the second class may attach to bases with either kind of affix: moral + iz(e) + er, need + less + ness.
Inflectional Morphology
Function words like to, it, and be are free morphemes. Many languages, including English, also have bound morphemes that have a strictly grammatical function. They mark properties such as tense, number, person and so forth. Such bound morphemes are called inflectional morphemes. Unlike derivational morphemes, they never change the grammatical category of the stems to which they are attached. Consider the forms of the verb in the following sentences:
1. I sail the ocean blue.
2. He sails the ocean blue.
3. John sailed the ocean blue.
4. John has sailed the ocean blue.
5. John is sailing the ocean blue.
In sentence (2) the -s at the end of the verb is an agreement marker; it signifies that the subject of the verb is third person and is singular, and that the verb is in the present tense. It doesn’t add lexical meaning. The suffix -ed indicates past tense, and is also required by the syntactic rules of the language when verbs are used with have, just as -ing is required when verbs are used with forms of be.
Inflectional morphemes represent relationships between different parts of a sentence. For example, -s expresses the relationship between the verb and the third person singular subject; -ing expresses the relationship between the time the utterance is spoken (e.g., now) and the time of the event. If you say “John is dancing,” it means John is engaged in this activity while you speak. If you say “John danced,” the -ed affix places the activity before you spoke. As we will discuss in chapter 2, inflectional morphology is closely connected to the syntax of the sentence.
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English also has other inflectional endings such as the plural suffix, which is attached to certain singular nouns, as in boy/boys and cat/cats. In contrast to Old and Middle English, which were more richly inflected languages, as we discuss in chapter 10, modern English has only eight bound inflectional affixes:
Inflectional morphemes in English follow the derivational morphemes in a word. Thus, to the derivationally complex word commit + ment one can add a plural ending to form commit + ment + s, but the order of affixes may not be reversed to derive the impossible commit + s + ment = *commitsment.
Yet another distinction between inflectional and derivational morphemes is that inflectional morphemes are productive: they apply freely to nearly every appropriate base (excepting “irregular” forms such as feet, not *foots). Most nouns takes an -s inflectional suffix to form a plural, but only some nouns take the derivational suffix -ize to form a verb: idolize, but not *picturize.
Compared to many languages of the world, English has relatively little inflectional morphology. Some languages are highly inflected. In Swahili, which is widely spoken in eastern Africa, verbs can be inflected with multiple morphemes, as in nimepiga (ni + me + pig + a), meaning “he has hit something.” Here the verb root pig meaning “hit” has two inflectional prefixes: ni meaning “I,” and me meaning “completed action,” and an inflectional suffix a, which is an object agreement morpheme.
Even the more familiar European languages have many more inflectional endings than English. In the Romance languages (languages descended from Latin), the verb has different inflectional endings depending on the subject of the sentence. The verb is inflected to agree in person and number with the subject, as illustrated by the Italian verb parlare meaning “to speak”:
Russian has a system of inflectional suffixes for nouns that indicates the noun’s grammatical relation—whether a subject, object, possessor, and so on— something English does with word order. For example, in English, the sentence Maxim defends Victor means something different from Victor defends Maxim. The order of the words is critical. But in Russian, all of the following sentences mean “Maxim defends Victor” (the č is pronounced like the ch in cheese; the š like the sh in shoe; the j like the y in yet):
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Maksim zašiščajet Viktora.
Maksim Viktora zašiščajet.
Viktora Maksim zašiščajet.
Viktora zašiščajet Maksim.
The inflectional suffix -a added to the name Viktor to derive Viktora shows that Victor, not Maxim, is defended. The suffix designates the object of the verb, irrespective of word order.
The grammatical relation of a noun in a sentence is called the case of the noun. When case is marked by inflectional morphemes, the process is referred to as case morphology. Russian has a rich case morphology, whereas English case morphology is limited to the one possessive -s and to its system of pronouns. Many of the grammatical relations that Russian expresses with its case morphology are expressed in English with prepositions.
Among the world’s languages is a richness and variety of inflectional processes. Earlier we saw how German uses circumfixes to inflect a verb stem to produce a past particle: lieb to geliebt, similar to the -ed ending of English. Arabic infixes vowels for inflectional purposes: kitáab “book” but kútub “books.” Samoan (see exercise 10) uses a process of reduplication inflecting a word through the repetition of part or all of the wordː savali “he travels,” but savavali “they travel.” Malay does the same with whole wordsː orang “person,” but orang orang “people.” Languages such as Finnish have an extraordinarily complex case morphology, whereas Mandarin Chinese lacks case morphology entirely.
Inflection achieves a variety of purposes. In English verbs are inflected with -s to show third person singular agreement. Languages like Finnish and Japanese have a dazzling array of inflectional processes for conveying everything from “temporary state of being” (Finnish nouns) to “strong negative intention” (Japanese verbs). English spoken 1,000 years ago had considerably more inflectional morphology than modern English, as we shall discuss in chapter 10.
In distinguishing inflectional from derivation morphemes we may summarize as follows:
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The Hierarchical Structure of Words
We saw earlier that morphemes are added in a fixed order. This order reflects the hierarchical structure of the word. A word is not a simple sequence of morphemes. It has an internal structure. For example, the word unsystematic is composed of three morphemes: un-, system, and -atic. The root is system, a noun, to which we add the suffix -atic, resulting in an adjective, systematic. To this adjective, we add the prefix un- forming a new adjective, unsystematic.
In order to represent the hierarchical organization of words (and sentences), linguists use tree diagrams. The tree diagram for unsystematic is as follows:
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Rule 1 attaches the derivational suffix -atic to the root noun, forming an adjective. Rule 2 takes the adjective formed by rule 1 and attaches the derivational prefix un-. The diagram shows that the entire word—unsystematic is an adjective that is composed of an adjective—systematic—plus un. The adjective is itself composed of a noun—system—plus the suffix -atic.
Hierarchical structure is an essential property of human language. Words (and sentences) have component parts, which relate to each other in specific, rule governed ways. Although at first glance it may seem that, aside from order, the morphemes un- and -atic each relate to the root system in the same way, this is not the case. The root system is “closer” to -atic than it is to un-, and un- is actually connected to the adjective systematic, and not directly to system. Indeed, *unsystem is not a word.
Further morphological rules can be applied to the given structure. For example, English has a derivational suffix -al, as in egotistical, fantastical, and astronomical. In these cases, -al is added to an adjective—egotistic, fantastic, astronomic— to form a new adjective. The rule for -al is as follows:
3. Adjective + al S Adjective
Another affix is -ly, which is added to adjectives—happy, lazy, hopeful—to form adverbs happily, lazily, hopefully. Following is the rule for -ly:
4. Adjective + ly S Adverb
Applying these two rules to the derived form unsystematic, we get the following tree for unsystematically:
This is a rather complex word. Despite its complexity, it is well-formed because it follows the morphological rules of the language. On the other hand, a very simple word can be ungrammatical. Suppose in the above example we first added un- to the root system. That would have resulted in the nonword *unsystem.
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*Unsystem is not a possible word because there is no rule of English that allows un- to be added to nouns. The large soft-drink company whose ad campaign promoted the Uncola successfully flouted this linguistic rule to capture people’s attention. Part of our linguistic competence includes the ability to recognize possible versus impossible words, like *unsystem and *Uncola. Possible words are those that conform to the rules; impossible words are those that do not.
Tree diagrams make explicit the way speakers represent the internal structure of the morphologically complex words in their language. In speaking and writing, we appear to string morphemes together sequentially as in un + system + atic. However, our mental representation of words is hierarchical as well as linear, and this is shown by tree diagrams.
Inflectional morphemes are equally well represented. The following tree shows that the inflectional agreement morpheme -s follows the derivational morphemes -ize and re- in refinalizes:
The tree also shows that re applies to finalize, which is correct as *refinal is not a word, and that the inflectional morpheme follows the derivational morpheme.
The hierarchical organization of words is even more clearly shown by structurally ambiguous words, words that have more than one meaning by virtue of having more than one structure. Consider the word unlockable. Imagine you are inside a room and you want some privacy. You would be unhappy to find the door is unlockable—“not able to be locked.” Now imagine you are inside a locked room trying to get out. You would be very relieved to find that the door is unlockable—“able to be unlocked.” These two meanings correspond to two different structures, as follows:
In the first structure the verb lock combines with the suffix -able to form an adjective lockable (“able to be locked”). Then the prefix un-, meaning “not,”
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combines with the derived adjective to form a new adjective unlockable (“not able to be locked”). In the second case, the prefix un- combines with the verb lock to form a derived verb unlock. Then the derived verb combines with the suffix -able to form unlockable, “able to be unlocked.”
An entire class of words in English follows this pattern: unbuttonable, unzippable, and unlatchable, among others. The ambiguity arises because the prefix un- can combine with an adjective, as illustrated in rule 2, or it can combine with a verb, as in undo, unstaple, unearth, and unloosen.
If words were only strings of morphemes without any internal organization, we could not explain the ambiguity of words like unlockable. These words also illustrate another important point, which is that structure is important to determining meaning. The same three morphemes occur in both versions of unlockable, yet there are two distinct meanings. The different meanings arise because of the different structures.
Rule Productivity
We have noted that some morphological processes, inflection in particular, are productive, meaning that they can be used freely to form new words from the list of free and bound morphemes. Among derivational morphemes, the suffix + able can be conjoined with any verb to derive an adjective with the meaning of the verb and the meaning of -able, which is something like “able to be” as in accept + able, laugh + able, pass + able, change + able, breathe + able, adapt + able, and so on. The productivity of this rule is illustrated by the fact that we find -able affixed to new verbs such as downloadable and faxable.
The prefix un- derives same-class words with an opposite meaning: unafraid, unfit, un-American, and so on. Additionally, un- can be added to derived adjectives that have been formed by morphological rules, resulting in perfectly acceptable words such as un + believe + able or un + pick + up + able.
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Yet un- is not fully productive. We find happy and unhappy, cowardly and uncowardly, but not sad and *unsad, brave and *unbrave, or obvious and *unobvious. It appears that the “un-Rule” is most productive for adjectives that are derived from verbs, such as unenlightened, unsimplified, uncharacterized, unauthorized, undistinguished, and so on. It also appears that most acceptable un- words have polysyllabic bases, and while we have unfit, uncool, unread, and unclean, many of the unacceptable -un forms have monosyllabic stems such as *unbig, *ungreat, *unred, *unsad, *unsmall, *untall.
The rule that adds an -er to verbs in English to produce a noun meaning “one who does” is a nearly productive morphological rule, giving us examiner, examtaker, analyzer, lover, hunter, and so forth, but fails full productivity owing to “unwords” like *chairer, which is not “one who chairs.” Other derivational morphemes fall farther short of productivity. Consider:
sincerity from sincere
warmth from warm
moisten from moist
The suffix -ity is found in many other words in English, like chastity, scarcity, and curiosity; and -th occurs in health, wealth, depth, width, and growth. We find -en in sadden, ripen, redden, weaken, and deepen. Still, the phrase “*The tragicity of Hamlet” sounds somewhat strange, as does “*I’m going to heaten the sauce.” Someone may say coolth, but when “words” like tragicity, heaten, and coolth are used, it is usually either a slip of the tongue or an attempt at humor. Most adjectives will not accept any of these derivational suffixes. Even less productive to the point of rareness are such derivational morphemes as the diminutive suffixes in the words pig + let and sap + ling.
In the morphologically complex words that we have seen so far, we can generally predict the meaning based on the meaning of the morphemes that make up the word. Unhappy means “not happy” and acceptable means “fit to be accepted.” However, one cannot always know the meaning of the words derived from free and derivational morphemes by knowing the morphemes themselves. The following un- forms have unpredictable meanings:
unloosen “loosen, let loose”
unrip “rip, undo by ripping”
undo “reverse doing”
untread “go back through in the same steps”
unearth “dig up”
unfrock “deprive (a cleric) of ecclesiastic rank”
unnerve “fluster”
Morphologically complex words whose meanings are not predictable must be listed individually in our mental lexicons. However, the morphological rules must also be in the grammar, revealing the relation between words and providing the means for forming new words.
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The morphological process that forms plural from singular nouns does not apply to words like child, man, foot, and mouse. These words are exceptions to the English inflectional rule of plural formation. Similarly, verbs like go, sing, bring, run, and know are exceptions to the inflectional rule for producing past tense verbs in English.
When children are learning English, they first learn the regular rules, which they apply to all forms. Thus, we often hear them say mans and goed. Later in the acquisition process, they specifically learn irregular plurals like men and mice, and irregular past tense forms like came and went. These children’s errors are actually evidence that the regular rules exist. This is discussed more fully in chapter 7.
Irregular, or suppletive, forms are treated separately in the grammar. That is, one cannot use the regular rules of inflectional morphology to add affixes to words that are exceptions like child/children, but must replace the uninflected form with another word. It is possible that for regular words, only the singular form need be specifically stored in the lexicon because we can use the inflectional rules to form plurals. But this can’t be so with suppletive exceptions, and children, mice, and feet must be learned separately. The same is true for suppletive past tense forms and comparative forms. There are regular rules—suffixes -ed and -er—to handle most cases such as walked and taller, but words like went and worse need to be learned individually as meaning “goed” and “badder.”
When a new word enters the language, the regular inflectional rules generally apply. The plural of geek, when it was a new word in English, was geeks, not *geeken, although we are advised that some geeks wanted the plural of fax to be *faxen, like oxen, when fax entered the language as a shortened form of facsimile. Never fear: its plural is faxes. The exception to this may be a word “borrowed” from a foreign language. For example, the plural of Latin datum has always been data, never datums, though nowadays data, the one time plural, is treated by many as a singular word like information.
The past tense of the verb hit, as in the sentence “Yesterday you hit the ball,” and the plural of the noun sheep, as in “The sheep are in the meadow,” show that some morphemes seem to have no phonological shape at all. We know that hit in the above sentence is hit + past because of the time adverb yesterday, and we know that sheep is the phonetic form of sheep + plural because of the plural verb form are.
When a verb is derived from a noun, even if it is pronounced the same as an irregular verb, the regular rules apply to it. Thus ring, when used in the sense of encircle, is derived from the noun ring, and as a verb it is regular. We say the police ringed the bank with armed men, not *rang the bank with armed men. In the jargon of baseball one says that the hitter flied out (hit a lofty ball that was caught), rather than *flew out, because the verb came from the compound noun fly ball.
Indeed, when a noun is used in a compound in which its meaning is lost, such as flatfoot, meaning “cop,” its plural follows the regular rule, so one says two flatfoots to refer to a pair of cops slangily, not *two flatfeet. It’s as if the noun is saying: “If you don’t get your meaning from me, you don’t get my special plural form.”
Making compounds plural, however, is not always simply adding -s as in girlfriends. Thus for many speakers the plural of mother-in-law is mothers-in law, whereas the possessive form is mother-in-law’s; the plural of court-martial is courts-martial and the plural of attorney general is attorneys general in a legal setting, but for most of the rest of us it is attorney generals. If the rightmost word of a compound takes an irregular form, however, the entire compound generally follows suit, so the plural of footman is footmen, not *footmans or *feetman or *feetmen.
Lexical Gaps
“Curiouser and curiouser!” cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English). LEWIS CARROLL, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, 1865
The redundancy of alternative forms such as Chomskyan/Chomskyite, all of which conform to the regular rules of word formation, may explain some of the accidental gaps (also called lexical gaps) in the lexicon. Accidental gaps are well-formed but nonexisting words. The actual words in a language constitute only a subset of the possible words. Speakers of a language may know tens of thousands of words. Dictionaries, as we noted, include hundreds of thousands of words, all of which are known by some speakers of the language. But no dictionary can list all possible words, because it is possible to add to the vocabulary of a language in many ways. (Some of these will be discussed here and some in chapter 10 on language change.) There are always gaps in the lexicon—words not present but that could be added. Some of the gaps are due to the fact that a permissible sound sequence has no meaning attached to it (like blick, or slarm, or krobe). Note that the sequence of sounds must be in keeping with the constraints of the language. *bnick is not a “gap” because no word in English can begin with a bn. We will discuss such constraints in chapter 5.
Other gaps result when possible combinations of morphemes never come into use. Speakers can distinguish between impossible words such as *unsystem and *needlessity, and possible but nonexisting words such as curiouser, linguisticism, and antiquify. The ability to make this distinction is further evidence that the morphological component of our mental grammar consists of not just a lexicon—a list of existing words—but also of rules that enable us to create and understand new words, and to recognize possible and impossible words.
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Other Morphological Processes
The various kinds of affixation that we have discussed are by far the most common morphological processes among the world’s languages. But, as we continue to emphasize in this book, the human language capacity is enormously creative, and that creativity extends to ways other than affixation that words may be altered and created.
[A girl] was delighted by her discovery that eats and cats were really eat + -s and cat + -s. She used her new suffix snipper to derive mik (mix), upstair, downstair, clo (clothes), len (lens), brefek (from brefeks, her word for breakfast), trappy (trapeze), even Santa Claw. STEVEN PINKER, Words and Rules: The Ingredients of Language, 1999
Misconception can sometimes be creative, and nothing in this world both misconceives and creates like a child, as we shall see in chapter 7. A new word may enter the language because of an incorrect morphological analysis. For example, peddle was derived from peddler on the mistaken assumption that the -er was the agentive suffix. Such words are called back-formations. The verbs hawk, stoke, swindle, and edit all came into the language as back-formations of hawker, stoker, swindler, and editor. Pea was derived from a singular word pease, by speakers who thought pease was a plural.
Some word creation comes from deliberately miscast back-formations. The word bikini comes from the Bikini atoll of the Marshall Islands. Because the first syllable bi- is a morpheme meaning “two” in words like bicycle, some clever person called a topless bathing suit a monokini. Historically, a number of new words have entered the English lexicon in this way. Based on analogy with such pairs as act/action, exempt/exemption, and revise/revision, new words resurrect, preempt, and televise were formed from the existing words resurrection, preemption, and television.
Language purists sometimes rail against back-formations and cite enthuse and liaise (from enthusiasm and liaison) as examples of language corruption. However, language is not corrupt; it is adaptable and changeable. Don’t be surprised to discover in your lifetime that shevelled and chalant have infiltrated the English language to mean “tidy” and “concerned,” and if it happens do not cry “havoc”; all will be well.
[T]he Houynhnms have no Word in their Language to express any thing that is evil, except what they borrow from the Deformities or ill Qualities of the Yahoos. Thus they denote the Folly of a Servant, an Omission of a Child, a Stone that cuts their feet, a Continuance of foul or unseasonable Weather, and the like, by adding to each the Epithet of Yahoo. For instance, Hnhm Yahoo, Whnaholm Yahoo, Ynlhmnawihlma Yahoo, and an ill contrived House, Ynholmhnmrohlnw Yahoo. JONATHAN SWIFT, Gulliver’s Travels, 1726
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Two or more words may be joined to form new, compound words. English isvery flexible in the kinds of combinations permitted, as the following table of compounds shows. Each entry in the table represents dozens of similar combinations.
Adjective Noun Verb
Adjective bittersweet poorhouse whitewash
Noun headstrong homework spoonfeed
Verb — pickpocket sleepwalk
Some compounds that have been introduced fairly recently into English are Facebook, YouTube, power nap, and carjack.
When the two words are in the same grammatical category, the compound will also be in this category: noun + noun = noun, as in girlfriend, fighterbomber, paper clip, elevator-operator, landlord, mailman; adjective + adjective = adjective, as in icy-cold, red-hot, worldly wise. In English, the rightmost word in a compound is the head of the compound. The head is the part of a word or phrase that determines its broad meaning and grammatical category. Thus, when the two words fall into different categories, the class of the second or final word determines the grammatical category of the compound: noun + adjective = adjective, as in headstrong; verb + noun = noun, as in pickpocket. On the other hand, compounds formed with a preposition are in the category of the nonprepositional part of the compound, such as (to) overtake or (the) sundown. This is further evidence that prepositions form a closed-class category that does not readily admit new members.
Although two-word compounds are the most common in English, it would be difficult to state an upper limit: Consider three-time loser, four-dimensional space-time, sergeant-at-arms, mother-of-pearl, man about town, master of ceremonies, and daughter-in-law. Dr. Seuss uses the rules of compounding when he explains “when tweetle beetles battle with paddles in a puddle, they call it a tweetle beetle puddle paddle battle.”3
Spelling does not tell us what sequence of words constitutes a compound; whether a compound is spelled with a space between the two words, with a hyphen, or with no separation at all depends on the idiosyncrasies of the particular compound, as shown, for example, in blackbird, gold-tail, and smoke screen.
Like derived words, compounds have internal structure. This is clear from the ambiguity of a compound like top + hat + rack, which can mean “a rack for top hats” corresponding to the structure in tree diagram (1), or “the highest hat rack,” corresponding to the structure in (2).
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Meaning of Compounds
The meaning of a compound is not always the sum of the meanings of its parts; a blackboard may be green or white. Everyone who wears a red coat is not a Redcoat (slang for British soldier during the American Revolutionary War). The difference between the sentences “She has a red coat in her closet” and “She has a Redcoat in her closet” would have been highly significant in America in 1776.
Other compounds reveal other meaning relations between the parts, which are not entirely consistent because many compounds are idiomatic (idioms are discussed in chapter 3). A boathouse is a house for boats, but a cathouse is not a house for cats. (It is slang for a house of prostitution or whorehouse.) A jumping bean is a bean that jumps, a falling star is a star that falls, and a magnifying glass is a glass that magnifies; but a looking glass is not a glass that looks, nor is an eating apple an apple that eats, and laughing gas does not laugh. Peanut oil and olive oil are oils made from something, but what about baby oil? And is this a contradiction: “horse meat is dog meat”? Not at all, since the first is meat from horses and the other is meat for dogs.
In the examples so far, the meaning of each compound includes at least to some extent the meanings of the individual parts. However, many compounds nowadays do not seem to relate to the meanings of the individual parts at all. A jack-in-a-box is a tropical tree, and a turncoat is a traitor. A highbrow does not necessarily have a high brow, nor does a bigwig have a big wig, nor does an egghead have an egg-shaped head.
Like certain words with the prefix un-, the meaning of many compounds must be learned as if they were individual whole words. Some of the meanings may be figured out, but not all. If you had never heard the word hunchback, it might be possible to infer the meaning; but if you had never heard the word flatfoot, it is doubtful you would know it means “detective” or “policeman,” even though the origin of the word, once you know the meaning, can be figured out.
The pronunciation of English compounds differs from the way we pronounce the sequence of two words that are not compounded. In an actual compound, the first word is usually stressed (pronounced somewhat louder and higher in pitch), and in a noncompound phrase the second word is stressed. Thus we stress Red in Redcoat but coat in red coat. (Stress, pitch, and other similar features are discussed in chapters 4 and 5.)
Universality of Compounding
Other languages have rules for conjoining words to form compounds, as seen by French cure-dent, “toothpick”; German Panzerkraftwagen, “armored car”; Russian cetyrexetaznyi, “four-storied”; and Spanish tocadiscos, “record player.” In the Native American language Tohono O’odham, the word meaning “thing” is haɁ ichu, and it combines with doakam, “living creatures,” to form the compound haɁ ichu doakam, “animal life.”
In Twi, by combining the word meaning “son” or “child,” ɔ ba, with the word meaning “chief,” ɔ hene, one derives the compound ɔ heneba, meaning “prince.” By adding the word “house,” ofi, to ɔ hene, the word meaning “palace,” ahemfi, is derived. The other changes that occur in the Twi compounds are due to phonological and morphological rules in the language.
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In Thai, the word “cat” is mɛɛw, the word for “watch” (in the sense of “to watch over”) is fâw, and the word for “house” is bâan. The word for “watch cat” (like a watchdog) is the compound mɛɛ wfâwbâan—literally, “catwatchhouse.” Compounding is a common and frequent process for enlarging the vocabulary of all languages.
“Pullet Surprises”
Our knowledge of the morphemes and morphological rules of our language is often revealed by the “errors” we make. We may guess the meaning of a word we do not know. Sometimes we guess wrong, but our wrong guesses are nevertheless “intelligent.”
Amsel Greene collected errors made by her students in vocabulary-building classes and published them in a book called Pullet Surprises.4 The title is taken from a sentence written by one of her high school students: “In 1957 Eugene O’Neill won a Pullet Surprise.” What is most interesting about these errors is how much they reveal about the students’ knowledge of English morphology. The creativity of these students is illustrated in the following examples:
The student who used the word indefatigable in the sentence
She tried many reducing diets, but remained indefatigable
clearly shows morphological knowledge: in meaning “not” as in ineffective; de meaning “off” as in decapitate; fat as in “fat”; able as in able; and combined meaning, “not able to take the fat off.” Our contribution to Greene’s collection is metronome: “a city-dwelling diminutive troll.”
Sign Language Morphology
Sign languages are rich in morphology. Like spoken languages, signs belong to grammatical categories. They have root and affix morphemes, free and bound morphemes, lexical content and grammatical morphemes, derivational and inflectional morphemes, and morphological rules for their combination to form morphologically complex signs. The affixation is accomplished by preceding or following a particular gesture with another “affixing” gesture.
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The suffix meaning “negation,” roughly analogous to -un or -non or -dis, is accomplished as a rapid turning over of the hand(s) following the end of the root sign that is being negated. For example, “want” is signed with open palms facing upward; “don’t want” follows that gesture with a turning of the palms to face downward. This “reversal of orientation” suffix may be applied, with necessary adjustments, to many root signs.
In sign language many morphological processes are not linear. Rather, the sign stem occurs nested within various movements and locations in signing space so that the gestures are simultaneous, an impossibility with spoken languages, as in the examples in Figure 1.2.
Figure 1.2 illustrates the derivational process in ASL that is equivalent to the formation of the nouns comparison and measuring from the verbs compare and measure in English. Everything about the root morpheme remains the same except for the movement of the hands.
Inflection of sign roots also occurs in ASL and all other sign languages, which characteristically modify the movement of the hands and the spatial contours of the area near the body in which the signs are articulated. For example, movement away from the signer’s body toward the “listener” might inflect a verb as in “I see you,” whereas movement away from the listener and toward the body would inflect the verb as in “you see me.”
Morphological Analysis:
Identifying Morphemes
Speakers of a language have knowledge of the internal structure of a word because their mental grammars include a mental lexicon of morphemes and the morphological rules for their combination. Of course, mistakes are made while learning, but these are quickly remedied. (See chapter 7 for details of how children acquire language.)
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Suppose you didn’t know English and were a linguist from the planet Zorx wishing to analyze the language. How would you discover the morphemes of English? How would you determine whether a word in that language had one, two, or more morphemes?
The first thing to do would be to ask native speakers how they say various words. (It would help to have a Zorxese-English interpreter along; otherwise, copious gesturing is in order.) Assume you are talented in miming and manage to collect the following forms:
To determine what the morphemes are in such a list, the first thing a field linguist would do is to see if some forms mean the same thing in different words, that is, to look for recurring forms. We find them: ugly occurs in ugly, uglier, and ugliest, all of which include the meaning “very unattractive.” We also find that -er occurs in prettier and taller, adding the meaning “more” to the adjectives to which it is attached. Similarly, -est adds the meaning “most.” Furthermore, by asking additional questions of our English speaker, we find that -er and -est do not occur in isolation with the meanings of “more” and “most.” We can therefore conclude that the following morphemes occur in English:
ugly root morpheme
pretty root morpheme
tall root morpheme
-er bound morpheme “comparative”
-est bound morpheme “superlative”
As we proceed we find other words that end with -er (e.g., singer, lover, bomber, writer, teacher) in which the -er ending does not mean “comparative” but, when attached to a verb, changes it to a noun who “verbs,” (e.g., sings, loves, bombs, writes, teaches). So we conclude that this is a different morpheme, even though it is pronounced the same as the comparative. We go on and find words like number, somber, butter, member, and many others in which the -er has no separate meaning at all—a somber is not “one who sombs” and a member does not memb—and therefore these words must be monomorphemic.
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Once you have practiced on the morphology of English, you might want to go on to describe another language. Paku was invented by the linguist Victoria Fromkin for a 1970s TV series called Land of the Lost, recently made into a major motion picture of the same name. This was the language used by the monkey people called Pakuni. Suppose you found yourself in this strange land and attempted to find out what the morphemes of Paku were. Again, you would collect your data from a native Paku speaker and proceed as the Zorxian did with English. Consider the following data from Paku:
By examining these words you find that the plural forms end in -ni and the singular forms do not. You therefore conclude that -ni is a separate morpheme meaning “plural” that is attached as a suffix to a noun.
Here is a more challenging example, but the principles are the same. Look for repetitions and near repetitions of the same word parts, taking your cues from the meanings given. These are words from Michoacan Aztec, an indigenous language of Mexico:
We see there are three base meanings: house, dog, and cornfield. Starting with house we look for commonalities in all the forms that refer to “house.” They all contain kali so that makes a good first guess. (We might, and you might, have reasonably guessed kal, but eventually we wouldn’t know what to do with the i at the end of nokali and mokali.) With kali as “house” we may infer that no is a prefix meaning “my,” and that is supported by nopelo, meaning “my dog.” This being the case, we guess that pelo is “dog,” and see where that leads us. If pelo is “dog” and mopelo is “your dog,” then mo is probably the prefix for “your.” Now that we think that the possessive pronouns are prefixes, we can look at ikali and deduce that i means “his.” If we’re right about the prefixes then we can separate out the word for “cornfield” as kwahmili, and at this point we’re a-rockin’ and a rollin’. The only morpheme unaccounted for is “plural.” We have two instances of plurality, nokalimes and mopelomes, but since we know no, kali, mo, and pelo, it is straightforward to identify the plural morpheme as the suffix mes.
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In summary of our analysis, then:
Knowing a language means knowing the morphemes of that language, which are the elemental units that constitute words. Moralizers is an English word composed of four morphemes: moral + ize + er + s. When you know a word or morpheme, you know both its form (sound or gesture) and its meaning; these are inseparable parts of the linguistic sign. The relationship between form and meaning is arbitrary. There is no inherent connection between them (i.e., the words and morphemes of any language must be learned).
Morphemes may be free or bound. Free morphemes stand alone like girl or the, and they come in two types: open class, containing the content words of the language, and closed class, containing function words such as the or of. Bound morphemes may be affixes or bound roots such as -ceive. Affixes may be prefixes, suffixes, circumfixes, and infixes. Affixes may be derivational or inflectional. Derivational affixes derive new words; inflectional affixes, such as the plural affix -s, make grammatical changes to words. Complex words contain a root around which stems are built by affixation. Rules of morphology determine what kind of affixation produces actual words such as un + system + atic, and what kind produces nonwords such as *un + system.
Words have hierarchical structure evidenced by ambiguous words such as unlockable, which may be un + lockable “unable to be locked” or unlock + able “able to be unlocked.”
Some morphological rules are productive, meaning they apply freely to the appropriate stem; for example, re- applies freely to verbal stems to give words like redo, rewash, and repaint. Other rules are more constrained, forming words like young + ster but not *smart + ster. Inflectional morphology is extremely productive: the plural -s applies freely even to nonsense words. Suppletive forms escape inflectional morphology, so instead of *mans we have men; instead of *bringed we have brought.
There are many ways for new words to be created other than affixation. Compounds are formed by uniting two or more root words in a single word, such as homework. The head of the compound (the rightmost word) bears the basic meaning, so homework means a kind of work done at home, but often the meaning of compounds is not easily predictable and must be learned as individual lexical items, such as laughing gas. Back-formations are words created by misinterpreting an affix look-alike such as er as an actual affix, so the verb burgle was formed under the mistaken assumption that burglar was burgle + er.
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The grammars of sign languages also include a morphological component consisting of a root, derivational and inflectional sign morphemes, and the rules for their combination.
Morphological analysis is the process of identifying form-meaning units in a language, taking into account small differences in pronunciation, so that in- and im- are seen to be the “same” prefix in English.
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